School Care Rules and Consequences
Rules for LUMC School Care
Be polite, considerate and courteous at all times.
Keep hands and feet to yourself
Be responsible for items that you play with. Put away all materials when you are done with them.
Keep noise level appropriate for the area.
Listen and follow directions from teachers the first time they are given.
Respect teachers and schoolmates at all times.
We emphasis to the children that we do not expect them to perfect, but once asked to stop something, they are expected to listen the FIRST time.
This can include: sitting quietly for a period of time, writing “sentences” stating they will not commit the offense again, or being asked to complete some clean up chores—wiping down tables and chairs, organizing game closet or student work stations.
Conference with the Director
Early pickup by parent
Suspension from the program. 1-3 days depending on offense.
Dismissal from the program.
LUMC School Care reserves the right to dismiss any child who chooses not to comply with the above rules at any time.